More Than Words
A new friend had these words as tag on his contact information. I found them inspirational.
I thought I would share them with you.
“Then let us all do what is right...develop as fully as we can the gifts God has given us,and never stop learning."
Ludwig van Beethoven
So, what have you been doing to develop your gifts?
Actually? I'm learning to find me and my gifts in others. As I've been praying about this, in just the last month, I've found 3 other writers. It's a great feeling.
I'm learning to live and serve exactly where God has placed me, and to cease worrying about other extraneous issues (like "Am I really 'called'?" "Am I a valid minister?" "What comes next?"
But I have a question and need some help: our church is growing rapidly (over 1100 in weekend services since we began five years ago). We're recognizing the challenge of developing and equipping leaders, and I feel compelled and convicted to invest time and energy to mentor five specific women that God has brought into my life. I need a resource - a book, teaching, etc. - that will help me discipline these women as believers and leaders. They are not all involved in leadership of arts ministry; two are leading small groups, two are serving with me for Sunday services. But we all need to grow deeper, to embrace our gifts and understand how God has gifted us.
Can you suggest some resources? Any advice? Experiences that have worked for you? Email contact would be so welcome; beth at powhatan community church dot org...
My favorite leadership books are Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders and The Ascent of a Leader: How Ordinary Relationships Develop Extraordinary Character and Influence by Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol and Ken McElrath.
These books are directed to Christ followers in general, not specifically targeting artists.
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