Gently Whisper Hope

The Leadership Summit is a profound experience on many levels. To be inspired, encouraged, and envisioned is such a privilege. I think about so many leaders throughout the years who have felt so alone, so weary and the incredible gifts received because of conferences, books, and technology.

Some of the messages presented this year were spoken loudly and unmistakably, while others you had to listen for more closely, because they were spoken or sung in the midst of many beautiful and life-changing truths. Some of the messages, the attenders would be able to quickly recite back... “Nothing matters more than the ownership of a vision.” However, there is a danger and a temptation to only pay attention to the obvious.

In the midst of the opening of Session 2, worship leader Greg Ferguson sang words that hit me between the eyes. He sang about a person who ‘gently whispered hope’ to someone in need.

What is it about a whisper that can be so powerful? I think back over my life and the whispered words that have been spoken to me. Of course, some of those whispers tore me down, but many, many of those words have shaped me and kept me going. I think back to a few years ago and I am indebted to my husband, my mother, and some dear friends who gently whispered words of hope that sustained me through a tough journey.

The song not only led me to reflect on the blessings I have received, but also led me to think about the opportunities I have to gently whisper hope to those God has put in my life. I wonder if I am I gently whispering hope to my husband who has embarked on a new career; my sons who are just 2 weeks away from entering middle and high school; the staff and volunteers I lead, who week in and week out are giving all they have to grow a small and struggling church; my neighbor whose daughter is struggling with cancer; or the cashier at my local supermarket who has been on her feet for six hours. My whisper can be a gentle touch, a smile, or a kind word. I can make time to listen with my whole self. I can make time to slow down, say good morning to the people I pass on the street and in the hallways. I can listen to God and speak His words of life to the people He values so highly. ”How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are.” I John 3:1

What are the gentle whispers that God has used to give you hope?

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